Welcome to our new and updated API documentation. Let us know any feedback you have, and the previous documentation, if required, can be found here.
What is SMTP2GO?
SMTP2GO is a scalable email and SMS service provider that simplifies delivery for everyday senders and businesses, ensuring their messages arrive reliably and securely. Integrate using SMTP or API, monitor the status of emails with real-time tracking and reporting tools for improved insights, and benefit from a knowledgeable support team available in all time zones.
The SMTP2GO API allows you to programmatically send emails or SMS messages, access reporting and statistics, and manage account features using HTTP requests. Easily integrate to automate tasks without having to make changes in the App.
Whether you are an existing customer or have recently joined, the “Getting Started with the API” page and welcome section will take you through the basic steps to get set up and utilize the API.
The API Features Overview covers the functionality we offer through the API so you can make the most of your account. The API Reference section is where you can discover examples, create requests and test endpoints.
If you don't have an SMTP2GO account, you'll need to create one to utilize the service. You can sign up for a free account and get set up within minutes. Our Getting Started with SMTP2GO article gives an overview of the steps required.
If you have questions or encounter an error when using SMTP2GO, please contact our support team who can assist further. In your support request, please provide as much detail as possible including errors, your originating IP address and any further relevant information (such as your API request and the request_id if using the API).
You can visit the Status page which features real-time updates from our servers and provides you with a concise historical graph of previous system performance.
Updated 10 months ago