JUMP TOSMTP2GO API v3.0.1_6.4General API ResourcesAuthenticationaCTIVITYSearch activitypostaLLOWED SENDERSAdd allowed senderspostUpdate allowed senderspostView allowed senderspostRemove allowed senderspostAPI KEYSView API KeyspostAdd a new API keypostEdit an API keypostRemove an API keypostEMAILSSend a standard emailpostSend a MIME emailpostView and search sent emailspostEMAIL ARCHIVEAdjusting archivesSearch archived contentpostView an archived emailpostSENDER DOMAINSAdd a sender domainpostEdit the tracking subdomainpostEdit the return-path subdomainpostEdit subaccount accesspostVerify a sender domainpostView sender domainspostRemove a sender domainpostSINGLE SENDER EMAILSAdd a single sender emailpostView single sender emailspostRemove a single sender emailpostSMSSend SMSpostView received SMSpostSMS SummarypostSMTP USERSAdd an SMTP userpostEdit SMTP user detailspostRemove an SMTP userpostView SMTP userspostSTATISTICSEmail bouncespostEmail cyclepostEmail historypostEmail spampostEmail summarypostEmail unsubscribespostSUBACCOUNTSAdd a subaccountpostUpdate a subaccountpostView subaccountspostClose a subaccountpostReopen a closed subaccountpostResend subaccount invitationpostSubaccounts UsagepostSubaccounts SMS UsagepostSUPRESSIONSAdd a suppressionpostView suppressionspostRemove a suppressionpostTEMPLATESAdd an email templatepostUpdate an email templatepostRemove an email templatepostView email templatespostView template detailspostWEBHOOKSView WebhookspostAdd a new WebhookpostEdit a specified WebhookpostRemove a specified WebhookpostIP Allow ListIP Allow ListpostAdd IP Allow ListpostEdit IP Allow ListpostRemove IP Allow ListpostView IP Allow ListpostDEDICATED IPSView Dedicated IP AddressespostPowered by Add a suppressionpost https://api.smtp2go.com/v3/suppression/addSuppresses the specified email address or domain