JUMP TOSMTP2GO API v3.0.1_6.4General API ResourcesAuthenticationaCTIVITYSearch activitypostaLLOWED SENDERSAdd SenderspostUpdate SenderspostRemove SenderspostView SenderspostEMAILSSend a standard emailpostSend a MIME emailpostView and search sent emailspostEMAIL ARCHIVEAdjusting archivesSearch archived contentpostView an archived emailpostSENDER DOMAINSAdd a sender domainpostEdit the tracking subdomainpostEdit the return-path subdomainpostVerify a sender domainpostView sender domainspostRemove a sender domainpostSINGLE SENDER EMAILSAdd Single Sender EmailpostRemove Single Sender EmailpostView Single Sender EmailpostSMSSend SMSpostView received SMSpostSMS SummarypostSMTP USERSAdd an SMTP userpostEdit SMTP user detailspostRemove an SMTP userpostView SMTP userspostSTATISTICSEmail bouncespostEmail cyclepostEmail historypostEmail spampostEmail summarypostEmail unsubscribespostSUBACCOUNTSAdd a subaccountpostUpdate a subaccountpostView subaccountspostClose a subaccountpostReopen a closed subaccountpostResend subaccount invitationpostSubaccounts UsagepostSubaccounts SMS UsagepostSUPRESSIONSAdd a suppressionpostView suppressionspostRemove a suppressionpostTEMPLATESAdd an email templatepostUpdate an email templatepostRemove an email templatepostView email templatespostView template detailspostWEBHOOKSView WebhookspostAdd a new WebhookpostEdit a specified WebhookpostRemove a specified WebhookpostIP Allow ListIP Allow ListpostAdd IP Allow ListpostEdit IP Allow ListpostRemove IP Allow ListpostView IP Allow ListpostPowered by Remove a sender domainpost https://api.smtp2go.com/v3/domain/removeRemove a sender domain from your account